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Tackling Turkey Tamales

by Bryan on October 2, 2009

TT-PlatedI am a bit of an Alton Brown fan. When I saw the episode of Good Eats entitled Tamale Never Dies, I knew I had to try my hand at Tamales. I watched the episode a couple of times, read through the recipe and braced myself for the task.

One issue I quickly faced was the quantity. The recipe says it makes 24 tamales (I actually ended up with a little over 30). That’s a lot of tamales. Fortunately we had our Fourth annual block party come up, so I seized that opportunity and offered to bring tamales.

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Downtown Eats: Nada

by Bryan on December 17, 2008

We found ourselves with the luxury of a night on the town when our church sponsored a parent’s night out. We could drop the boy off and hit the town. So we wanted to try out a new spot. I had heard one of the local bloggers rave about Nada, and we like our Mexican, so we chose that for our night out.

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